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Since I have been at my school this semester I have been praying for eyes to no longer see my student's disabilities. I want to be able to make decisions because it's Suzzie or Benjamin...not because Suzzie has Down Syndrome or Benjamin has a learning disability. I realize that it is important to recognize a child's exceptionality but I don't want those exceptionalities to define their abilities or success. Today for the first time, I can confidently say I had a moment of confirmation. I was working with one of my students with Down Syndrome and was listening to her working through a worksheet. I was looking at her and couldn't remember what disability she had, I just saw Janie- I didn't see her for the exceptionality. It was a pivotal moment for me because for the first time I saw her just a kid, a student, a young lady. I wasn't trying to be naive but have eyes as a child has them, accepting of anyone regardless of their outer looks.

It is already October and I have learned a lot from my cooperating teacher but more so from my students. They just sit and accept anyone that walks in the classroom, not seeing any type of barrier keeping anyone from doing anything. I am in awe of their loving kindness. I now pray that I have the acceptance as a child has.

*Student's names have been changed to keep confidentiality


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